Einführung: Indoor Setup

Hier eine kurze Einführung in den Aufbau eines Indoorsetups

00:16 - Lesson 1 - Course overview gives a brief course introduction, inclusive of a list and description of all the essential equipment you need for your own indoor weed grow op.

4:00 - Lesson 2: Grow Op Lights - Learn what equipment you need for a weed grow operation set up. Learn why your plants need a grow op light, what lighting options are available, which option is best for the beginner or intermediate grower, and where you can find the equipment for purchase.

09:47 - Lesson 3: Grow Space Options - Learn what equipment you need for a weed grow operation set up. Learn why it’s important to grow your plants in a contained space, the benefits and drawbacks of a grow tent, cabinet, and room and which option has the best value.

14:13 - Lesson 4: Grow Equipment - Learn what equipment you need for a weed grow operation set up. Whether you choose to grow your plants hydroponically, in soil, or a soilless medium, you will need to know the right equipment to use. This class teaches you the basics.

17:14 - Lesson 5: Odor Neutralizer - Learn what equipment you need for a weed grow operation set up. Learn about weed odor eliminators and contaminant control. Why it is important to manage for the benefit of both your plants and your family’s health.

19:49 - Lesson 6: Weed Ventilation - Learn what equipment you need for a weed grow operation set up. It’s important to have a good weed ventilation system to keep good airflow in your grow space. Learn why, and what options you have to promote proper circulation in this video.

21:54 - Lesson 7: Extra Weed Growing Equipment - Learn what equipment you need for a weed grow operation set up. You and your plants will benefit from some extra weed growing equipment for your grow op. Learn what they are, and how they’ll make your life easier.